Announcing nuqs version 2


Some tips on testing components that use `nuqs`

Since nuqs 2, you can unit-test components that use useQueryState(s) hooks by wrapping your rendered component in a NuqsTestingAdapter, or using the withNuqsTestingAdapter higher-order component.

With Vitest

Here is an example for Vitest and Testing Library to test a button rendering a counter:


import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'
import { withNuqsTestingAdapter, type UrlUpdateEvent } from 'nuqs/adapters/testing'
import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import { CounterButton } from './counter-button'
it('should increment the count when clicked', async () => {
  const user = userEvent.setup()
  const onUrlUpdate = vi.fn<[UrlUpdateEvent]>()
  render(<CounterButton />, {
    // 1. Setup the test by passing initial search params / querystring:
    wrapper: withNuqsTestingAdapter({ searchParams: '?count=42', onUrlUpdate })
  // 2. Act
  const button = screen.getByRole('button')
  // 3. Assert changes in the state and in the (mocked) URL
  expect(button).toHaveTextContent('count is 43')
  const event = onUrlUpdate.mock.calls[0][0]!

See issue #259 for more testing-related discussions.

With Jest

Since nuqs 2 is an ESM-only package, there are a few hoops you need to jump through to make it work with Jest. This is extracted from the Jest ESM guide.

  1. Add the following options to your jest.config.ts file:
const config: Config = {
  // <Other options here>

  extensionsToTreatAsEsm: [".ts", ".tsx"],
  transform: {}
  1. Change your test command to include the --experimental-vm-modules flag:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "NODE_OPTIONS=\"$NODE_OPTIONS --experimental-vm-modules\" jest"

Adapt accordingly for Windows with cross-env.


The withNuqsTestingAdapter function is a higher-order component that wraps your component with a NuqsTestingAdapter, but you can also use it directly.

It takes the following props:

  • searchParams: The initial search params to use for the test. These can be a query string, a URLSearchParams object or a record object with string values.
import { NuqsTestingAdapter } from 'nuqs/adapters/testing'
<NuqsTestingAdapter searchParams="?q=hello&limit=10">
<NuqsTestingAdapter searchParams={new URLSearchParams("?q=hello&limit=10")}>
<NuqsTestingAdapter searchParams={{
  q: 'hello',
  limit: '10' // Values are serialized strings

When testing hooks that rely on nuqs’ useQueryState(s) with React Testing Library’s renderHook function, you can use the withNuqsTestingAdapter as a wrapper component passed into the renderHook call.

const { result } = renderHook(() => useMyNiceHook(), { wrapper: withNuqsTestingAdapter({
  searchParams: { q: 'hello-world' }
}) })
  • onUrlUpdate, a function that will be called when the URL is updated by the component. It receives an object with:
    • the new search params as an instance of URLSearchParams
    • the new querystring (for convenience)
    • the options used to update the URL.
🧪 Internal/advanced options
  • rateLimitFactor. By default, rate limiting is disabled when testing, as it can lead to unexpected behaviours. Setting this to 1 will enable rate limiting with the same factor as in production.

  • resetUrlUpdateQueueOnMount: clear the URL update queue before running the test. This is true by default to isolate tests, but you can set it to false to keep the URL update queue between renders and match the production behaviour more closely.

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